March 13, 2008

No Knitting

No knitting has been accomplished in quite a few weeks. I have been so busy or just getting home so late that I've had no time to knit. I am very sad about that especially since I'm so close to being done with my shawl.

I'm hoping to lay low this weekend, I've got myself a broken toe :o(, and hopefully get some knitting done. I'm looking forward to our Stitch-n-Bitch at Amy's house next week.

February 28, 2008

Knitting good for the Sick

what do you do when you are at home bored cause you are sick and can't leave the house? Knit, knit and knit some more :o) I think that is good therapy and will make anyone feel better, a little at least.

I worked on my shawl yesterday afternoon and I am 20 rows from being done. It think once I roll out of bed today I will work on it more and I think I can actually finish it by this evening. I also started weaving in some of the ends. YAY! I am hoping to finish the shawl today and then do all the fringes over the weekend. I'm excited cause the weather is nice and I might even wear it this weekend :o)

February 23, 2008


Here is the damage done at Stitches West

Patch made sure to inspect the yarn and he APPROVES :o)

Amy and I had a great time checking out all the booths and shopping. We both did some damage but came away with some great yarns and other goodies. I had a limit and only went over by $80 on it, oopsie, not too bad though I guess, it could have been worse.

I got this cool pin to use with my shawl when I'm done with it (hopefully soon).

Some of the yarn was for my hubby which he really liked. It can be tough finding boy colors but I did good and managed to find a few skeins here and there for him to use.

It was a productive day if I say so myself. I am still pooped out so today I'm just updating my ravelry site and admiring my new yarns. I think I'll go take a short nap and when I wake up I'll work on my shawl.

February 14, 2008

Biggers Loser Scarf

I only called it that because I was watching the Biggest Loser while knitting this scarf :o) I know I'm a dork.

This was a super easy just knitted scarf.

Size 17 Needles
2 Balls Patons Pooch

Cast on 10 Stiches
Knit all rows until you've used up two balls of Patons Pooch.

I love this yarn, it's inexpensive, it's soft and they have great colors. Daisy loves it too :o)

I made this scarf for my friend Lindsay and hoping she likes it. She had asked me a few weeks a go to knit her a scarf like one I was wearing but I"m sure she's forgotten so this will be a nice surprise since I'm mailing it to her.


February 13, 2008

A new find

Well it's not really new but it's new to me. Amy wrote about it and I apparently wasn't paying attention :o(

Last night I stopped by Michael's to pick up some yarn for my French Girl Hat I finished over the weekend (I'll post pictures tomorrow). I don't shop at Michael's for yarn anymore especially since I'm addicted to stuff like Malabrigo but last night I found, Patons SWS. It's soft, they've got great colors and it is not expensive at all. I really liked it so I bought 2 balls of it to try it out. Amy said that for a scarf I probably need 3 balls so I'll be heading back over there to purchase another ball and hopefully uh, nothing else :o)

I also picked up some Patons Pooch for a scarf for Lindsay. A few weeks ago she had seen one of my scarves and asked me to make her one. I went in search of the yarn, it was some cheap stuff I had picked up at Richard's but they don't carry yarn anymore :o( Anyway, while at Michael's I tried to find some it and found the Patons Pooch instead. It's pink and soft :o) I'm sure she'll like it. I used size 17 needles so I was done in an hour with it. Wish I was that fast knitting other stuff :o(

Still working on my shawl and my so called scarf. I hope to be done very very soon with both of those. I keep getting ADD and making hats in between working on the shawl and the scarf. I just get bored after a while and need a change in pattern so hats work well and I can finish them quickly.

I'll post pictures of my recent stuff tomorrow.

January 28, 2008

My First Shawl

I'm pretty excited about my current project. I wasn't even planning on making this shawl but over the weekend I took a trip to Knit This, Purl That! for some needles...haa, haa. I'm funny, did I really think I was going to get out of there with just a one little pair of needles....NOT! and did I mention how much I HEART this store. The people are super nice and I love their yarns. The store is well organized and just has a nice warm welcoming feel to it. Anyway, I went in to get needles so I can start my French Bag and walked out with a whole new project and more yarn. I also wanted to get yarn to make a ruffle scarf neck warmer thingy from my new One-Skein Wonders book. I did manage to find some pretty yarn and named after me :o) It's Claudia's Hand Painted Yarn in color Argyle Socks.

It'll be my first time knitting on such small yarn but I'm looking forward to seeing the end result. The yarn is nice and soft and I really like the color.

The whole time I was there I was admiring the owners shawl, it was super cute but of course the whole time I was there I kept thinking to myself that there was NO WAY I could ever make a shawl. It was probably super complicated and would take me forever and 100 years to make a shawl. We were chatting about something else while I was paying and then I just decided to ask her about the shawl. She said it was super easy and of course she carried the yarn. She said she was out of the pattern but she could tell me how to make it. I basically just needed to cast on a stitch and increase one stitch every single row until I got to 175. WOW, I can totally handle that. I thanked her and left and then about a few steps into the parking lot I turned around, came back inside and went straight for the yarn to make the shawl :o( aahhhhh! MUST NOT BUY MORE YARN! I did :o) :o(

The shawl is made with Berroco Suede. I picked a green and pink, got the needles and then really headed out the door. When I got home I looked online and found that the pattern, Crystal Cove Shawl, was actually free so I downloaded it and started my shawl :o) I am about 50% and it's turning out really nice. I can't wait to finish it. YIPEE another new project for me. I'm really enjoying moving on to new things.

Of course since I started working on this cause I was so excited I haven't done much on my scarf but I'll pick that back up this weekend, maybe that's what I'll work on while watching Super Bowl :o)

January 23, 2008

Ribbit, Ribbit, Ribbit

Those are the words coming out of my hubbys mouth...haa, haa. He just realized he missed a stitch in his crocheting so he had to frog :o(

anywho, I continue on my quest to finish my unfinished projects. I finished the last one today, don't ask me why it took so long cause it was the simplest thing to do. I had to make a pom pom for my asymetrical cable hat. I did and now that project is complete and I really love the way it turned out. I don't really wear beanie style hats but I like this one so I might actually use it :o)

Oohhh my new books I ordered last week arrived today. They both have quite a few patterns I want to try out. I can't wait.